The late Byzantine church of Hagios Nikolaos on Porto-Germeno beach. View from SE (Photograph by Chr. Kontogeorgopoulou)

Nikolaos, Hagios, Porto-Germeno

Area: Aigosthena (Porto-Germeno)
Type: Basilica
Date: late-byzantine phase

The church of Hagios Nikolaos lies in Aigosthena beach (Porto-Germeno). Nowadays, it has suffered many damages. As a consequence, its Byzantine character is not easily visible. It is a domed basilica with a barrelvaulted narthex and a late Byzantine phase. The group of monuments in the area (early Christian basilica, middle Byzantine church of the Virgin Mary) in combination with the ancient fortification preserved in excellent condition and the bath ruins on the beach signify the importance of the area during the ancient years.