W. view of the church of Hagios Modestos or Theodoros in Koropi. Two colonettes are discerned in front of the entrance. (photograph: Chr. Kontogeorgopoulou)

Modestos (Theodoros), Hagios, Koropi

Area: Koropi
Type: Single - Aisled Basilica
Date: 12th-13th century


The church lies approximately 50 meters before the crossroad leading to the church of Metamorphosis. The church is not cited in bibliography. Its eastern part is dated to the Byzantine years. In 1917, during the flu epidemic it functioned as a cemetery in Koropi. The church was dedicated to Hagios Theodoros till 1958.

It is a small, barrel-vaulted, single-naved church with a three sided sanctuary conch, which preserves three phases. The oldest one dated to the Byzantine years focuses on the period between the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century. We reach this conclusion based on various architectural traits (masonry, window in the sanctuary conch). The church in its present state and in its bigger part belongs to the second, much more recent phase (18th – 19th century).

The final repair works, the screen, the floor and the more recent coats belong to the third phase.

The only preserved wall painting is the one of the Virgin Mary between angels on the sanctuary conch. It is a fine specimen of post Byzantine art.

There are numerous scattered spolia around the church.